Wednesday 5 February 2020

Who Is Allah

Every human being has the curiosity to know, Who is the supreme power who has created the universe? Why do according to their religious beliefs, people call their supreme power as God / Allah / Khuda / Rab / Bhagwan / Parmatma. Followers of Hindu religion believe that their Hindu religion is good and their Bhagwan/God (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva) are supreme powers and creators. Devotees, practicing Christians claim Christianity is the best religion and devotees practicing Sikhism say Sikh religion is the best. The Islam belief is that their Islam religion is great, their followers believe it’s the best religion and Allah/Khuda is Omnipotent and is the only deity who is the creator of the universe.
When people will have correct spiritual knowledge then they will know that we are all children of one God. We are not different. When we will completely get familiar with the spiritual knowledge of GOD then we will not see anyone as separate, everyone will seem to be ours. Everyone will appear to be ours. As long as we are not familiar with the true knowledge we consider our respective religions to be superior and we consider other’s religion to be inferior. This is also our spiritual ignorance that we even call a  religion to be good or bad. 
To understand any religion, we should not see towards their followers, because usually the followers themselves do not know what their religion and faith talks about. A good way, best way to know about a religion is to refer their religious books. Therefore, if we want to know about Islam religion, then we should not look towards Muslims. We should refer the Islamic Holy Books. 
Let us assess Islam religion and their belief- Who is Allah according to Islam?

God in Islam | Allahu Akbar (Kabir) in Holy Book Quran Sharif

According to The Encyclopaedia Britannica 2007 and Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East and North Africa, Allah is the only God/Khuda and He is only the creator of the universe. Muslims praise Allah as ‘la ilaha illa Allah’ which means ‘There is no Deity but God’. They also say ‘Allahu Akbar’ means ‘God is greater’. But Muslim brothers, without understanding Quran Sharif properly, without properly understanding its verses, Aayats, have made it final that the knowledge giver of Quran Sharif is Great God. Whereas, evidences from Quran Sharif clearly explain that the knowledge giver of Quran Sharif provides knowledge of his level and in the end leaves an option to ask information about that ‘Allahu Akbar’ (Greater God) from a ‘Bakhabar / Illamwala’ ie. from a Tatvadarshi saint (Enlightened Saint). He is the creator and worthy to be worshipped. He is Almighty Allahu Akbar. Let us examine the evidence.

Allah Kabir in Holy Quran Sharif, Surat Furkani 25, verse no. 52-59

Reference Mutarjam Barhashiya, classical Arabic Manual in Nagri script, translator is Nand Kumar Awasthi, Sherwani Edition clarifies that Allah’s name is Kabir, means the great GOD. 
Verse 25:52:Fala-Tutiyal-Kafiran-ve-Jahidhum-Bihi-Jihadan-Kabiran”, it is clearly written ‘Kabiran’
We can call it ‘Kabir’ or  Kabira’ or ‘ Kabiran’ or ‘Khabira’ or ‘Khabiran. It is clear this is Kabira. He says do not obey the disbelievers, and strive against them with the Qur'an a great striving.
The knowledge giver of Quran Sharif says ‘do not agree to non-believers (infidels) because they do not consider Kabir as the Supreme God and with the plea of Quran Sharif face them with great force (Do not fight) ie. remain rigid for Allah Kabir. 
Verse 25:58: - Va tavakkal' alal'- harulliji la yamutu va sabbih' bihm'dihi va kafaa bihi bijunoobi ibadihi Khabira (Kabira)
The knowledge giver of Quran Sharif is giving information about some other AllahTala, about Supreme God, Allah Kabir. He says ‘O-Prophet trust that ‘Zinda’ who met you inform as ‘Zinda Saint’,  trust Him, who never dies, means HE is immortal, and praise Him; means HE is different than the knowledge giver of Quran Sharif, whom he is telling to praise; that God. He destroys the sins of His devotees. 
That Allahu Akbar himself says in ‘Suksham Ved’ which is GOD given, nectar-like true spiritual knowledge - Kabir GOD says ‘I took Mohammad there’. 
“Icchaa Roopi Wahan Nahee raho, Ult Mohammad mahal pathaya, Guj Biraj Ek kalma le aaya, Roza Bang Namaz dayee re, Bismil ki nahee baat kahee re”
He tried to make Hazrat Mohammad understand but he had a lot of followers and glory (Lordship) by then on earth, therefore Hazrat Mohammad did not agree to live there in Satlok.
Verse 25:59: - All'ji khalakassmaavaati val'arj va ma bainhuma fi sittati ayyaamin' summastwa alal'arshi arrh'maanu fs'al' bihi Khabiran' (Kabiran') 
The knowledge giver of Quran Sharif says HE is the same GOD, Allahu Akbar ‘Kabir, who created the entire universe and all that is between the Earth and Sky in six days and sat on the throne, in His Eternal Place (Satlok) on the seventh day. Ask about the real Knowledge of that Supreme God and about His information from a Baakhabar / Tatvadarshi Saint, as how can He be attained. I do not know. It has been proved that the giver of the knowledge of Quran Sharif does not know about Him.

Allah Kabir in Holy Fazal-E-Amal

Fazael-E-Zikr, Aayat 1, mentioned Allah is Kabir. He is the Puran Parmatma/ the Almighty Kabir. He is the complete God.
‘Wallat Kabir Bullah Aala Maha dakoobwala Allah kumdar guru’
तुम कबीर अल्लाह की बढ़ाई बयां करो l इस बात पर तुम को हिदायत फरमाए ताकि तुम शुक्र करो अल्लाह ताला का l वह कबीर अल्लाह तमाम पोशीदा और जाहिर चीजों को जानने वाला है l वह कबीर आलीशान रुतबे वाला है l कबीर गुनाहों से बचाने वाला है l
You glorify the Almighty Kabir Allah. He should give the instructions so that you thank Allahtala. That Kabir Allahtala is Omnipotent. That Kabir is Royal. Kabir saves from sins.
From above Aayats of Quran Sharif this is proved that God/ Allah is none other than Kabir. This proves that the giver of the knowledge of Quran Sharif is not the complete GOD, is not AllahTala whom whole Muslim community worships, assuming him to be their Allah.

Who is the giver of the knowledge of Quran Sharif?

Reference: Biography of Hazrat Mohammad Salalahu Alesee Vassallam, Mohammad Inayatullah Subhani, translated by Naseem Ghazi Palani, Markazee Maktaba, Islami Publishers, D-307, Dawat Nagar, Abdul Fazal Enclave, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi, printed by H.S. Offset prints, New Delhi-2.
Detailed description is mentioned on page no. 59
Brahm, the Lord/Swami of these twenty-one Brahamands (where all souls are trapped) also called ‘Kshar Purush / Kaal’. This Kaal had only given the knowledge of all four Vedas, Gita, Quran Sharif and Bible by force. 
This ‘Kaal Brahm’ gave the knowledge of ‘Quran Sharif / Quran Majid’ through Jabreel Angel to Hazrat Mohammad ji by force. All Muslim brothers believe whatever knowledge the narrator of Quran Shariff gave (whom they consider as their Allah) he gave it as it is, without any mistake through an Angel to Hazrat Mohammad. Be it announcement or directly or they were fed telegraphically. As a result, the whole Muslim community believes that the narrator of Quran Sharif is Allahu Akbar and worships him. 
This ‘Kaal’ only gave the knowledge of Holy Bible- Taurat, Injeel and Zabur. On Dawood the heavenly book Zabur descended, On Musa ji the heavenly book Taurat descended and on Isaji the heavenly book Injeel descended by this Kaal Brahm by announcement. Bible is the collection of these three Holy books Jaboor, Tawrat, and Injil. Means these are bound.
Ref: Gita Chapter 11, Shloka 32: Pious Gita Ji knowledge also, he only spoke by entering in Shri Krishanji’s body He says, I am ‘Kaal’. He showed his scary form to Arjun when he didn’t agree to him. Showed his ghastly look due to which a warrior like Arjun also started shivering, and agreed to whatever he said.

Who is Bakhabar / Illamwala / Tatvadarshi Saint?

The giver of the Knowledge of Quran Sharif leaves the option to ask about His (Great God/Allah) information from a Bakhabar/Illamwala/Tatvadarshi Saint. He does not even keeps His (Supreme GODs) information. He is advising to ask from some ‘Bakhabar’ means ‘Tatvadarshi saint’ for information about Him (complete GOD). 
Quran Sharif- Surat Al Furqan 25:59  
He who created the heavens and the earth and what is between Sky and Earth in six days and then established Himself above the Throne - the Most Merciful [Kabir], so ask about Him one well informed.
Bakhabar is a well-acquainted Saint who has complete knowledge of all Holy scriptures. He is called the Enlightened Saint/Dheeranam. He knows complete creation of world, means he is fully aware about the creation of the universe.

What is the True Definition & Meaning of Allahu Akbar (Kabir)?

‘Allahu Akbar’ means ‘The Almighty is the most significant or Allah/God is the greatest’. This is a common exclamation in Islam. This is used in Islamic prayer ceremony as a declaration of faith both during times of great Joy or distress.  
  • Azaan / Adhan (call to worship) is a prayer ceremony which is prevalent in Islam. In this ‘Allahu Akbar’ is recited as a short prayer phrase repeatedly. There is a mention about this way of worship in Sukshamveda. That complete GOD Kabir in true spiritual knowledge has told, That ‘I took Mohammad there in Eternal Place (Satlok) and when Hazrat Mohammad ji came back, three things he told- to keep Roza, give Bang (Azan) and do Namaz. 'Bismil', means to slaughter animals, is not mentioned here.
‘Hum Mohammad ko wahan le gayo, Icchaa Roopi Wahan Nahee raho, Ult Mohammad mahal pathaya, Guj Biraj Ek kalma le aaya, Roza Bang Namaz dayee re, Bismil ki nahee baat kahee re’

What does Allah mean in Islam?

Allah In Islam means Supreme God/ the Almighty God who is the creator, sustainer and restorer of the world. Quram Sharif- Surat Furkaan 25, Verse-52 gives evidence that Allah is Great God. 
“Fala-Tutiyal-Kafiran-ve-Jahidhum-Bihi-Jihadan-Kabiran”- its clearly written ‘Kabiran’ we can call ‘Kabir/ Kabira/ Kabiran/ Khabira/ Khabiran. From this Aayat it is clear that the creator of the universe, the Almighty Kabir is ‘Allah/ Allahtala is Kabir.

Who is Allahu Akbar (Kabir) God in Islam?

Islam as spread by Prophet Muhammad in Arabia in the 7th Century CE, views Allah as the Sole God and they believe Him to be the creator, sustainer, and restorer of the world. The most sacred scripture they believe is Quran Sharif /Majid which Allah revealed to his Prophet Muhammad. To understand the Nature of prophethood in Islam it is imperative to mention Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Solomon. In Islam, Muhammad comes last in the series.
Quran Sharif - Surat Furkaan 25:53 - And it is He who has released [simultaneously] the two seas, one fresh and sweet and one salty and bitter, and He placed between them a barrier and prohibiting partition.
The knowledge giver of Quran Shariff says, that the great GOD Kabir, is the one who created the universe in six days and sat on throne on the seventh day. He created all between the Earth and sky. He is Kabir Allah, who moved two rivers, water of one is sweet, to quench thirst, and of other is salty-bitter, and made strong blockade, stoppage inside both.
Quran Sharif - Surat Furkaan 25:54 - And it is He who has created from water a human being and made him [a relative by] lineage and marriage. And ever is your Lord competent [concerning

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